Although vaping has just recently taken the world by storm, it’s important to remember that the use of electronic cigarettes and related devices dates back many years.
In today’s day and age, electronic cigarettes are often associated with other products and industry terms, including vape juice, e-liquid, and liquid nicotine among others.
It doesn’t matter if you’re new to vaping or have been around it in some form for many years, learning its history is a great way to better understand the market and impact on your life.
The Beginning of Vaping
The history of vaping dates back to 1930, when Joseph Robison received a patent for an electric vaporizer. Although there is uncertainty surrounding the early manufacturing of the device, one thing is for sure: it never made its way to market.
Fast forward to the 1960s and Herbert A. Gilbert became deeply involved with the creation of a device that resembles today’s electronic cigarettes.
While he also received a patent (for a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette), his product never made its way to market.
The next big breakthrough came in the late 1970s and early 1980s when Phil Ray and Norman Jacobson invented a product similar to the modern electronic cigarette. The primary difference being that it was not an electronic product, but instead used the evaporation of nicotine.
Although the product achieved some mainstream success, as retailers throughout the country sold it, it eventually fizzled out.
It was during the 1990s when the electronic cigarette market really took a turn. Several devices similar to modern products were invented and patented during the decade, along with many of the major players in the tobacco industry getting involved.
2003 to 2007: The Vaping Market Evolves
In 2003, Hon Lik, an inventor from Beijing, China, was responsible for creating and distributing the first commercially successful electronic cigarette.
Three years later electronic cigarettes made their way to Europe, with the United States finally getting in on the action during the latter months of 2006 and early part of 2007.
Pushback from the World Health Organization and the Years to Follow
In September 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a press release stating, “marketers of electronic cigarettes should halt unproved therapy claims.”
In the years to follow, many countries banned the possession and sale of electronic cigarettes, while also rejecting the import of these products.
For example, in March 2009, The Food and Drug Administration directed the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to turn away any electronic cigarettes shipped to the country.
Current State of the Vaping Industry in the United States
The electronic cigarette market is stronger than ever before in the United States, with many companies thriving as they provide consumers with a variety of devices and e-juice products.
Despite the fact that there are both federal and state regulations in place to control the sale, packaging, and distribution of e-cigarettes and related products, the industry is still growing by leaps and bounds with each passing year.