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5 FAQs for Rookie Vapers

Are you new to vaping? Are you interested in learning as much as possible before getting started?

Despite the fact that vaping was only introduced in the United States roughly 15 years ago, it’s picked up a lot of steam over this time.

As a beginner, there are a variety of questions to answer before you get started. These five are among the most important:

1. How do I start vaping?

It sounds simple on the surface, but it’s a bit more complicated than cigarettes. In addition to buying a vaporizer, such as a vape pen, you’ll want to experiment with a few different types of e-juice.

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The easiest way to kick things off is with a starter kit. This includes everything you need to get your feet wet. Once you learn more, you can purchase individual devices and a variety of vape juice flavors to customize your experience.

2. How much does it cost to get started?

This depends on the type of device or kit you purchase, but you shouldn’t spend any more than $100 to $150 upfront.

Remember, once you have a vaping device, your only expenses are upkeep and the purchase of e-juice.

3. What’s the best way to purchase vaping equipment?

Vape stores are popping up all over the world, providing convenient access to everything you need. However, the industry is also taking off online, with internet stores providing a larger selection at more competitive prices.

There are times when buying local makes sense – such as if you need a new device right away – but don’t overlook the many benefits of shopping online. The selection, lower prices, and convenience may be more than enough for you to do most your shopping online.

4. What is a throat hit?

Think about it in the same manner as smoking cigarettes. This is the feeling you get when you inhale.

The nice thing about vaping is that you can duplicate this experience, if desired. But, you can also take steps to get less of this feeling.

5. Are there any side effects of vaping?

The side effects of vaping are not nearly as serious as cigarettes, however, you may experience some of these in the early days and weeks. The most common side effects include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Itchy, flaky skin
  • Dizziness
  • Allergies
  • Canker sores

Fortunately, as your body adjusts to vaping, these side effects typically subside.

Final Thoughts

As someone who is new to vaping, it’s critical to answer these questions, among any others that are weighing on your mind. Doing so will give you the confidence you need to make decisions that guarantee a positive experience.

Once you understand the basics of vaping, there’s only one thing left to do: get started!

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